Sing About the King 4 Music CD

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Sing About the King 4 Music CD

Song List:

  1. Books of the New Testament
  2. Books of the Old Testament
  3. Children All around the World
  4. Christ Redeemed Us
  5. Did You Ever Talk to God Above?
  6. God Wants to Spend Time with Just You
  7. God's Way, Have You Heard?
  8. His Name Is Jesus
  9. I'll Stand for God
  10. Jesus Is Caring for You
  11. Jesus Is the Good News
  12. Jump, Let's Get Started
  13. No Turning Back
  14. What's the News?

Bible Verse Songs:

  1. Keep Your Way Pure (Psalm 119:9-11)
  2. That the World Might be Saved (John 3:16-17)
  3. Whoever Believes in the Son (John 3:36)
  4. God Shows His Love (Romans 5:8)
  5. New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  6. Be Strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10)
  7. If You Lack Wisdom (James 1:5)
  8. Casting All Your Anxieties (1 Peter 5:7)
  9. Amen (2 Peter 3:18)
  10. If We Confess (1 John 1:9)

Christmas Songs:

  1. Go Tell It on the Mountain
  2. Joy to the World

Bible translation used for verse songs: ESV